How to Play Ludo Online

Apoorva Singh

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How to Play Ludo Online : A Simple Guide

What is Ludo ?

Ludo is a board game loved by everyone. It is very easy to understand and it is a complete game of luck and strategy . Ludo has been played in India since 3300 BC. Yes, you heard right ! Ludo started in India and was known as Pachisi. Also, there are similar games in the West, such as Parcheesi from the USA and Parchis from Spain. It’s a simple game that kids and adults both like to play. But did you know you can now play ludo online too? Whether you’re new to the game or already skilled in ludo , this blog will help you become a Ludo champ by covering all the basics of ludo and how to play ludo online .

Can I Play Ludo Online ?

There are lots of apps and websites where you can play Ludo online and even win real money without spending any money. Sikandarji is the best online ludo earning app in India from which you can download the best ludo app, play ludo online, and win real cash .

Basic Understanding Of Ludo Game -

The Ludo board game is divided into 4 segments, and each section has a different color (green, yellow, red, or blue). You have 4 coins in each section, You have to choose one section of your color from which you can move your tokens after rolling the dice and whatever number comes on the dice you have to move it accordingly in clockwise direction. You have to start from you home point and have to move to the center home point .Whoever reaches their 4 coins first in the center will be the winner of the Game.

Parts of the Ludo Board game -

A Square board – This is Ludo board where we play ludo.

Players Section –  Ludo board is divided into 4 sections and each section has a different color (green, yellow, red, or blue) .Player can choose any section of their choice of colour.

Players tokens – These are the small pieces or tokens that each player uses to play the game. They’re usually moved around the board according to the rules.

Safe Squares – These are special squares where your token cannot be captured or taken by another player. It’s like a protected zone for your tokens.

Home Point – It is their section area on the board where players keep all their tokens.

Centre Home Point – A specific spot in the middle of the board where players try to move their tokens to win the game.

Start Position – The starting point on the board where players place their tokens at the beginning of the game to start the game .

Player’s Name – This is your name or identifier in the game, so everyone knows who is playing.

Player’s Dice – A tool used to determine how far you can move your tokens on the board. It usually has numbers on it, and you roll it to decide how many squares you can move.

Players’ Avatars – These are representations of the players in the game. They could be symbols, images, or even characters that each player chooses to represent themselves during the game.


How to play Ludo Online -

1) Download The App -

To get started, download a reputable Ludo app or visit a trusted online gaming platform (You can check the list of trusted Apps Here – .Download the ludo app and open the application, you’ll see an interface below , From here, you can choose your favorite type of game

2) Choose Your Type of Game -

When you start the game, you’ll see a board like this (See Picture Below) .Here, you’ll find all the playing options available in Online Ludo App – 

3) Ludo Game Rules to Play Online -

1) Start the Game –  

In classic mode you get to choose your token colour and need to place all four tokens in same colour section or you are assigned random coloured tokens at the beginning of the game while playing ludo online .To make the online ludo gameplay interesting a timer is set acc to your chosen formats.

2 ) Roll the Dice –

In the classic board version you need to roll 6 to activate your token but when it comes to playing ludo online you don’t need to roll the dice , all tokens are in an open position , you just need to tap on the dice icon and select the token you need to move and play the game accordingly. In the classic board game , once you roll the 6 and your token is out of the section,  you get an extra chance & if you get six again you can choose to move a new token out of the section but you cannot skip your turn , while playing ludo .You have to roll the dice within the timer otherwise you skip your chance and after 2 skips you will be disqualified And if you get 3 consecutive 6 you will miss the chance .

3) Capture the opponent or Safeguard Your Token –

In classic ludo game by landing on your opponent’s token you can capture it and send it back to their section and you will get an extra chance . but while playing ludo online your opponent will lose the point collected by the captured token .You can also form a block  if you land more than one of your tokens in the same box, this block helps you to safeguard your token from your opponent . You can also safeguard your tokens on safe points .

4) Win the Game –

To win the ludo game you need to take all your four tokens inside the centre home point but while playing ludo online you win by earning maximum points , whenever you move your tokens you earn 1 point and when you reach center home point you get 56 points bonus for every token that reaches homes , and can win this way.

4) Strategies or Tips & Tricks To Play ludo online

Use Your Pieces Wisely: Instead of focusing on one piece, try to move all your pieces . It can help you make progress faster.
Block Your Opponents: Pay attention to what your opponents are doing. Try to block them from moving forward whenever you can.
Be Careful: Don’t leave your pieces in places where your opponents can capture them easily. Be smart about your moves.
Stay Flexible: Don’t stick to just one plan. Be ready to change your strategy depending on how the game is going.

And for more tips & tricks visit –


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